Power to Change Grant Award

Phase One Award

Following a successful bid prepared by HeawardSports Ltd. for C.A.R.E. earlier this year Power to Change accepted CARE into phase one of their Bright Ideas Programme. This first phase of their investment provided 10 days of valuable consultancy support from Power to Change partner the Plunkett Foundation to help C.A.R.E. further develop their idea and critically work on their governance and managing organisational growth.

The support provided by Power to Change focused on helping C.A.R.E. get plans to launch their new community gym the GV Fitness Centre off the ground and compliments really well the work that HeawardSports Ltd. has been doing on developing this exciting project. The centre will meet unmet needs for the whole community of Herefordshire’s rural Golden Valley not only providing an accessible and high quality fitness facility for everyone but also providing support and assistance to the most vulnerable such as older people who live on their own and those living with complex conditions such as Alzheimer and Parkinsons. This makes it a great example of how to deliver significant social good with a commercial proposition.

The £10k award will help C.A.R.E. procure additional professional support.

Phase Two Award
Todays ‘phase two award’ builds on the work already done both by The Plunkett Foundation and ourselves and will be a huge help for C.A.R.E. a true ‘community enterprise’ in turning their plans into reality in a truly sustainable way. The £10k award will help C.A.R.E. procure additional professional support to continue to develop how they operate as well as invest in key equipment and help meet initial costs associated with getting the gym off the ground. This relatively small amount of highly focused investment is however able to provide a powerful boost to C.R.E.S prospects of making this new venture a success.

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