Get Grants and Do More!

Access to grants depends on the legal structure of your organisation

Each year in the UKs 8,800 Charitable Trusts and Foundations distribute between £3.2 and £8b billion in grants. Funding is also available from Government, the National Lottery and corporate sources. This makes securing grant aid an important part of many organisation's fundraising strategy.

There will be grant aid available to suit almost any kind of not for profit organisation regardless of what you do.

Are you Grant Ready?

Winning grants and other funding for community projects in the UK can be tough! Even the best-resourced and most experienced bodies can struggle without the right support. Whilst it helps to have a great idea, on its own, this isn’t enough. You need to make a great bid, but you also need to be ‘grant ready’.

The meaning of ‘grant ready’ varies between funders. It often depends on the size and kind of investment you need. This is where our skills in securing grants and other funding can make a big difference. We know what a great bid looks like and how to prepare one. We also know the essential steps you need to take before submitting your bid to ensure you have maximised your chance of success.

By working with us, you have the best possible advice and support, on hand, right when you need it. We understand that your time is precious. So we work hard to avoid wasted effort and delays. First, we will review thousands of potential funders for you. Then we will help you select those best suited to your needs. Then we will help you to make a great bid. If needed, once funding is in place, we can also help you deliver your project.

We are great at helping you win grants but can’t guarantee success, the diagram below explains what typically happens after your bid is submitted. Far too many bids fail unnecessarily due to mistakes made at stage 1 and 2 of assessment. A professional bid from Heaward Solutions won't. At Step 3 control over the decision-making process starts to reduce, whilst there are several things we can do to help, from here on the outcome of your bid will depend on factors outside of our control.

On a positive note by this stage, a large number of the other bids competing for an award will have been rejected and your chance of success increases.

hurdles to bidding for funding infographic

Over 25 years of experience means we deliver the support you need.

Our fantastic results come from a passion for helping communities. We believe in the importance of what you do. If you work with us, you will have our total commitment.

Business Cases and Feasibility Studies

We will ensure your project gets off to a great start, establishing early on that a strong case for funding exists so that your bid is well received by funders and financially viable.

Community Engagement and Consultation

Funders need to understand that a real need exists and key people support your solution. Effective consultation is vital and can be hard to get right without some expert help. Using an external specialist such as Heaward Solutions also adds credibility to your research.

Funding Bid Preparation and Review

Whether you need a small grant of less than £10,000 or something larger, we can write your bids for you. Alternatively, if you want to prepare your own bids, we can check them over and help fine-tune your message before submission.

Need proof that we deliver?

Our results speak for themselves. Examples of our recent work including securing grants for clients are provided below:

Helping a Community Interest Company focus on community health and wellbeing whilst reducing isolation and loneliness for older people living with long term conditions in a large rural area. Our work included winning £120,000 from a mix of business grants, charitable trusts, and social investors to deliver a new community gym and develop other services.

Assisting organisations including a Brass Band, a church, several schools, a Sexual Health Charity and lots of sports clubs identify funding opportunities.

Supporting a charity who run a disability day centre to plan for the future and secure funding.

Assisting a youth football charity secure over £200,000 in grants from Landfill Tax Credit, Football Foundation and council grants to upgrade their facilities, buy grounds maintenance equipment and weather the COVID-19 pandemic.

Helping a Staffordshire Environmental Charity raise £56,000 to help enlarge their facilities, buy new equipment and cope with the challenges brought by COVID-19.

Winning community safety grants for two national league football clubs to improve their facilities and work in the community.

Helping set up an exciting new national sport and wellbeing charity, advising the trustees on the grants that they can apply for and helping them to start successfully fundraising.

Helping religious organisations develop projects and secure funding including raising £10k for A Fertile Heart via an effective crowdfunding campaign and assisting Timperley Congregational Church, undertake a complex feasibility study.

Assisting Leek Hockey Club and the British Pistol Club to review opportunities for major capital projects.

If you are looking to secure a grant for your organisation contact us below

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