Grant awarded to Trubshaw Cross 'Lads and Dads'

It was fantastic today to receive an update from Stafordshire based football institution ‘Ladsandads’ informing me that their application for a grant has been successful securing funds from Stoke-on-Trent City Councils Community Investment Fund for their project called “50 more years”, a nod to Ladsandads long history in the area.

HeawardSports Ltd. worked very closely with Ladsandads to help develop their bid and feel sure that this will help transform their facilities. The grant will be used to purchase a new 60hp cab tractor which will dramatically increase the standard to which they can maintain their pitches and ensure a resultant increase in the level of use the pitches can sustain. Closely linked with this, Ladsandads will now also be able to train and support more volunteers, providing meaningful opportunity for local people to gain valuable workplace ready skills and experience.

This project secures a sustainable future for the Trubshaw Cross Branch ensuring that they can continue to make a big difference to the lives of local children well into the future.

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