Rudyard Lake Trust Secures a Pledge

Some months ago HeawardSports Ltd. helped the Rudyard Lake Trust prepare a series of bids for sports grants to help support the cost of creating a new canoe store, workshop, launching improvments and the purchase of new canoeing equipment for use at this stunningly beautiful Staffordshire lake.

As with many charitable bids these were complex and its taken a long time to start hearing back from potential funders. Today we heard from the Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation, whose trustees have kindly agreed to make a pledge of £5,000 towards the development of the new Canoe Store and workshop at the Trusts Lakeside Activity Centre.

As with any pledge, funds will only be released once the Rudyard Lake Trust can show that it has secured the overall funding needed to deliver the project. The Trust now have two years to drawdown this helpful contribution, so our wait to hear from the other funders continues!

This pledge is more meaningful than its value suggests, as its often the first investment commitment that’s hardest to secure and this is now a powerful tool in helping other funders to make a positive commitment.

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