Small grants big impact

Most clubs and community groups I have met have never applied for grant funding or if they have they have failed and feel like its out of reach. Those who have never tried tend to give reasons for this like, it’s too hard; we don’t have time; I didn’t know we could; etc.

Those groups who failed to secure a grant have normally done so not because they didn’t have a real need, or their idea was poor but instead because they didn’t know how to effectively put their request across in what is almost always a highly competitive process. In both cases this is a huge shame as a small grant of anything between £500 and £10,000 is very much within the grasp of any community group, sports club, parish council or similar body, you just need to know how to go about it the right way! Small grants programmes like both the Big Lottery’s Awards for all and Sport England’s Small Grants scheme support thousands of exciting community projects every year, worth anything between £300 and £10,000. These funds wont meet you day-to-day running costs, if this is an issue you need to look again at your organisations basis business model, which we can also help with.

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