Following a bid developed by Heaward Solutions, sees C.A.R.E. (Herefordshire) CIC commence work through its GV Fitness Centre to deliver of a series of exciting new projects which have been funded by Sport England’s small grants scheme. These projects will dramatically increase C.A.R.E.s impact on the local community and support a range of people to get more active and benefit from this.
The grant of £9,750 will let C.A.R.E. reach over 60 people from Herefordshire’s rural Golden Valley over the next 12 months through:
One of the gentle exercise sessions is already up and running each Tuesday and another is being planned. teen Fit and the Teen Cafe should start in February/March and the ladies running group will start once the evenings get a little lighter.
Three volunteers are already engaged and two of these will be starting formal training shortly including the REPs Level 2 Gym Instructor award and England Athletics Leadership in Running Fitness award.
This exciting funding opportunity offers organisations in the not for profit sector accessible grants of up to £10,000 to support projects which:
Sport England is especially keen to help those who have yet to benefit from Lottery funding and in doing so
overcome the barriers that prevent people who are aren’t already active on a regular basis or who don’t already participate in sport, including a wide range of less traditional ‘sports’.
Heaward Solutions is a small and highly skilled consultancy which specialises in helping organisations in the sport, leisure and community sector achieve their ambitions. We work right across the UK and have extensive experience in helping groups identify and secure external funding from sources such as grants and sponsorship such as Sport Englands small grants scheme.
HeawardSports Ltd is a company I have worked with on several projects now and I have found that they...
I have had the privilege of working with Andrew Heaward from Heaward Sports Ltd for the past 2 ye...
I have recently had the opportunity of working with Andrew, receiving his bid writing training course...
During your career path you really hope to cross paths with people like Andrew. During my time with...
Andrew recently supported us with writing a large report for some funders. We were well aware that this was...
I was introduced to Andrew by a trusted source who told me that there are few grant funding ..